The Frameworkfor a Sustainable Business

Ramudden Canada’s objective is to be the driving force and industry leader in Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG). 

Sustainability report

Sustainability at Ramudden

The 2030 Agenda – The UN’s Global Sustainable Development Goals.
Our services and solutions will be delivered in a safe and efficient manner that fosters sustainable development, and we will conduct our business in a sustainable manner. Sustainability is very often focused on issues surrounding the environment and carbon dioxide emissions. However, the actual set of UN resolutions deals with substantially more aspects of sustainability. Our most important contribution is to create environments at worksites that are safe, both for those who work there and for all others as well. We achieve this through the efficient use of our resources, which reduces our impact on the environment.
We utilize the newest in digital technology in the most innovative ways possible to streamline the work to be done and consistently invest in climate-neutral vehicles for our fleet. 

More women are needed

Although we are an industry leader, with woman employees accounting for over 20% of our staff, we continue to refine our approach to attract even more women to what is traditionally a male-dominated industry. To us, it’s important that we want to do our part to contribute to a more equitable sector on an ongoing basis.


An important aspect of our work on sustainability is to always treat you, the customer, with the greatest respect and to be ready to listen and act fairly in every way we interact with you and your business. We have a very clear anti-corruption policy and enforce the same requirements on all of our suppliers.

The framework for a sustainable business

The definitive purpose of our work on sustainability is to help realize the UN’s goals. From among the 17 goals, we have identified a number of them where Ramudden has the greatest potential for making a lasting impression. They are all intricately linked to our work on sustainability and our overall business strategy.
Goal 3 – Good health and well-being
Goal 4 – Quality education
Goal 9 – Industry, innovation and infrastructure
Goal 10 – Reduced inequalities
Goal 11 – Sustainable cities and communities
Goal 13 – Climate action

ISO certification

In 2021 we conducted internal and external audits at Ramudden in Sweden and Norway. As a result, Ramudden Sweden received an updated certificate for ISO 14001, ISO 9001 and ISO 45001, and this certificate now includes Norway as well. Next in line is Ramudden in Finland.

Do you have questions about our sustainability work?

Get in touch with HSEQ-manager:  


Health and Wellness – A Passion for Health

Our internal health and wellness initiative, “A Passion for Health,” is an initiative aimed at improving employee health, satisfaction and motivation in the workplace.
Our health and wellness program was started back in 2016 with the aim of improving health and creating a more fulfilling lifestyle for our employees. We want to encourage people to have a healthy work/life balance and to be healthier, both mentally and physically, over the long term. Since starting the health and wellness program, we’ve significantly expanded what is available under the program. Employees at Ramudden now enjoy an expanded number of premium benefits in the areas of health, wellness and leisure.

Do you have any questions about our health and wellness project?

Get in touch with:

Good growth despite a challenging year

Like other companies, our business has been affected by a year in which many factors were uncertain. Nevertheless, we have continued to deliver in markets both old and new, and we have done so with panache. I am genuinely proud of the work that our organisation does every day.

CEO’s comments

Our latest report

Report 2022